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It's nice to meet you!
 I'm Jónel

A Few Facts About Me

  • My name is pronounced like John and the letter L; Or like Kal-El in Superman!

  • I am currently 26 years old; My birthday is May 4th (Yes, I know that is Star Wars day; Yes, I have heard all the jokes; and no, I do not watch the franchise, unfortunately. So May the Fourth be with You.)

  • I was born and raised in a small town in Eastern Virginia called West Point (I promise, it's not the military school).

  • I am a recent Cum Laude graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University (Dec 21') with a Bachelor's of Fine Arts in Theatre Performance with a Minor in Psychology.

  • I am gay and gender non-binary and subject to change (They/He).

  • Astrological Big Three: Taurus Sun, Leo Moon, Gemini Rising!

  • I want to create art that focuses on the intersection of the Black and Queer experiences.

  • I have been in love with art my entire life and believe strongly in its ability to change the world.

  • I'm learning about life and myself and I am growing as a person every day.
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